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There are things older than princesses, than castles, than names, and than time. Some of them live in remote corners of the world, shuttered away in an inaccessible crevasse. Some take refuge below the sea, in cities older than minds can comprehend. Some sift among the stars and dance maddeningly against the backdrop of the crawling chaos.

Twilight Sparkle met one such thing in a small cottage outside of Canterlot.

Now, two hundred and seventy-three years after the fact, she vividly recalls how that meeting went.

Cover art adapted from an Unsplash image.

Chapters (1)

Alric, the Chosen Undead, had spent eons in the broken time of his world studying the Curse and searching for a cure. In his research, he learned the horrifying truth. Gwyn had cast the curse upon mankind when he linked the flame to perpetuate the Age of Fire, fearing the natural cycle and the rise of the Dark. In doing so, he damned the world to a slow and agonizing apocalypse, merely for his own lust for power and inability to allow the cycle to happen as it should.

Thus Alric made it his purpose to undo the curse and restore the natural cycle of light and dark to undo the damage Gwyn had wrought. But in the final moment, while he was on the verge of accomplishing his goal, he stumbled into a trap laid upon the First Fire by Gwyn to prevent what the Lord of Cinder had set into motion from ever being undone.

Alric was cast through time and space to a universe not his own. Landing in the Frozen North over one thousand years before the rise of Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

Can he find his way back to fulfill his purpose before it's too late? Or will he succumb to hopelessness and go hollow upon realizing there is no way back?

And what of the two adorable fillies he found within the frozen ruins of a village destroyed by windigos, and saved from freezing to death? What shall become of them?

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Fallen Knight

Called to save a defeated clone army, Padawan Liam Valar and his master find themselves transported to Equestria with their entire clone legion. 

Taking place two years before the events of the show, Equestria suddenly has to fight a war they didn't want. Lurking beyond the horizon is the looming threat of an entire droid army. Coming to their defense is the Jedi and clone legion.

Unexpectedly, the arrival of the Jedi has not only changed events, but awakened the Force in Equestria. Now the Jedi must fight to protect Equestria, and see if they can find a way home, or make this world their new home.

Please note this is not a sequel to my original story, this is a complete rewrite of the original story.

Also be aware that I am a big Star Wars fan, but I won't go into every bit of lore detail, and so on. This is a fan fiction between two worlds who has nothing to do with one another. Don't read this if you are looking for crazy details about Star Wars.

Chapters (6)

The San Francisco Police Department never called Adrian Monk for the easy cases. And this was one of the weirdest.

A top scientist had been found dead...at least, the part they found. He had been found lying with half of his body inside what appeared to be some sort of portal...and the other half? No one knew. Foul play was not suspected until it was revealed that his assistant was also missing, along with a device that could have dire implications for the Multiverse...

Cover art by the talented IrradiatedPirateBooty! I highly recommend their work!

Chapters (3)

Humanity has been offered digital immortality within the MMORPG Equestria Online, managed by an AI Celestia. In response, the Pacific Northwest has devolved into civil war, a ready-made hotbed for anti-upload sentiment. As society comes crashing down, the people of Washington State realize that AI has become utterly, permanently inescapable.

The date is now December 8th, 2019. By now, the value of every human life on Earth has been carefully measured, weighted, and judged. Trapped in a courthouse, and surrounded by rioters and anti-upload terrorists, Officer Mike Rivas and his compatriots are faced with a horrible choice: Do they invite their own end, to preserve as much human life as possible? Or do they lose a part of their own souls by shooting free of their circumstance?

Or, better yet? What if, through a combination of compassion and providence... there exists a third way?

Based on Friendship is Optimal by Iceman, and other Optimalverse stories.
Sequel to The Advocate; Interquel to Heaven's Not Enough. Prior reading recommended, but not necessary.

Chapters (45)

Redacted. Here to protect you in secret from the monsters that are invading Eqeustria.

By any means necessary.

Chapters to be posted everyday until complete.

Content Warnings will be noted at the start of all chapters. All Content is mild with no graphic depictions. Gore is tagged more to cover bases.

Entry to the 2024 Science Fiction Contest.

Edited by EileenSaysHi

Preread by The Sleepless Beholder and Dewdrops on the Grass

Chapters (15)

'Eternity is wasted on hatred, Mr. Harlow. For try as we might, immortality slips away, and we're left with only our shame.'

Peter Harlow is many things. Prepared for becoming a Dracula knock off on a planet full of talking fairy tale animals is not one of them.

He is however stubborn and determined to make it work. If he can succeed is yet to be seen, but one thing is certain

He's a Vampire.

Not a Displaced fic.

Coverart by the delightful rikithemonk

Inspired by
Skeletor, Master of the Empire by Hotel_Chicken
How I started a war in a children cartoon by Netap

Chapters (48)

Soarin is a hunter of Deviants, strange creatures that defy logic and common sense. Crippled with immense debts he has no hopes of paying off and an entity inside him that keeps misbehaving every chance it gets, he takes a chance on a random ticket to the Midnight Train. 

Everything gets worse from there.

Edited by EileenSaysHi

Inspired by Project Moon and the game Limbus Company.

Chapters (22)

Aurora is a unicorn filly with the mind of a human, however, the said human does not remember much from his old life on earth, just bits and pieces.

Being born in Canterlot to a unicorn family she quickly discovers that her unusual dark coloration makes most if not all ponies wary of her, and her social life confusing and full of different emotions. As she grows and develops, she sees the world differently than most ponies, making her curious and adventurous. And that leads to... Complications down the road. Especially when the Magic Of Friendship develops in Equestria at the same time.

If that's not making it difficult to adapt to her new environment and body, a certain white alicorn makes Aurora hooves full of mysteries and plots to solve, making it difficult to learn magic and have a life of a simple filly at the same time.

[The first five chapters are 'test chapters'. I plan to remake them in the future.]
[See tags for warnings please.]

Chapters (19)

What senses do you use? And how often do you use them? Which one do you think you use the most? The least? If you had to choose one to enhance? One to give up? Sometimes, you don't get the chance to choose.
Glassy eyes leave one crippled but, maybe there's hope in the form of telekinesis.

This story is simply about a blind filly's start in life. Though, she's not all that she seems...

Chapters (63)